Farewell to Mr. ISSA HAYATOU: Patriarch of African Football
Yesterday, Thursday, August 15, 2024, the Cameroonian and African sports community paid tribute to the former President of CAF and PCA of ANAFOOT, Mr. ISSA HAYATOU, whose body arrived at Yaoundé Nsimalen International Airport at dusk. The President of the National Executive Committee for the organization of the 11th World Peace Games Cameroon 2025, H.M Emmanuel BISONG, led a large delegation to the tarmac to welcome the body of the patriarch of African football, alongside government officials. ISSA HAYATOU passed away a few days ago due to illness.
Also present were the Secretary General, technical advisors, mission officers of CENO, presidents of commissions and sub-commissions, including the President of the Communication Commission, and a large crowd of relatives and friends of the deceased.
The welcome ceremony at the airport’s pavilion of honor was marked by strong emotions, tears, and regrets at the departure of such a continental heritage on the eve of hosting an international sporting event like the World Peace Games in a few months. The participants paid tribute to the universal values of sport that the late ISSA HAYATOU embodied throughout his career. His commitment, passion, and dedication to African football have left an indelible mark on the continent. Throughout his career, he was a true pioneer, paving the way for numerous generations of footballers and sports leaders both nationally and internationally.
Today, the President of CENO and his delegation pay a vibrant tribute to him, in recognition of his legacy and impact on African sport. Rest in peace, dear patriarch. May your memory continue to inspire current and future generations.